phase I
Phase 1 consisted of working with a team to look closely and think critically about the relationships between emergent plant communities at our project site and the pre-existing regional ecologies that surrounded them.
phase II
Phase II consisted of creating individual concept designs for our site as well as planting plans. A couple concept iterations were explored through section studies. I chose to study the relationship between a boardwalk and the topography of the site with a focus on how the different options would feel for a person walking through. Eventually, the final concept design included a boardwalk that would remain level and present undulating topography to the park user.
For the creation of a planting plan, plants were selected based on the emergent and parent ecology studies that were conducted in Phase I. Concept sections were used to visualize how the different plant strata would look at different points on the boardwalk.
A physical model was created to show how the level boardwalk would present the surrounding topography and plant strata to the user.
phase III
Phase III consisted of creating a phenological study of the site. A one-year cycle of the site at 60%-70% maturity was studied. The bloom times of the plantings and ecological benefits were analyzed to show how the site would look at all seasons. A maintenance plan was also created to better understand the care for this site if plantings were to be implemented.